Responsible Intelligent Systems


Laura Cromzigt has won twice at the Student Research Conference

We are pleased to announce that former proj20161130_180751ect member Laura Cromzigt has won two prizes at the Student Research Conference. She won the audience prize for the best presentation and the main prize for the best paper in the category Language, Culture and Law. As said in an earlier article about the selection of the paper, Laura has been the assistant of the REINS-project in 2014 and 2015. This paper is a shortened version of her thesis which has been supervised by Jan Broersen, the project leader of the REINS-project.

The annual Student Research Conference (SRC) inthe Netherlands gives bachelor students of Dutch and Flemish universities (of applied sciences) of all disciplines the opportunity to present their research at an academic conference. A committee of experienced researches reviews the submitted papers, selects the approx. 60 best for a workshop or a poster presentation and provides feedback on all the papers. The students incorporate this feedback in their papers, after which they give a presentation at the conference and in this way, compete for the Student Research Awards.

The paper is published in the Student Undergraduate Research E-journal(SURE!) and has open access.