
Closing conference REINS project
Responsible Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Practices and Formal Models 11-13 February 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands In this symposium we look back at some of the results of the REINS project on responsible intelligent systems and look forward at new routes of investigation for responsible AI in general. The starting point of the REINS project was to…
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Workshop on Collective Responsibility, Joint Action, and Participation
The workshop on Collective Responsibility, Joint Action, and Participation will take place in Utrecht on May 17th, 2018. The workshop is associated with the PhD defense of Hein Duijf, which will take place on May 18th, 2018. Venue: The workshop will take place at the University Museum, Lange Nieuwstraat 106, in Utrecht in the Grote…
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Interview Jan Broersen, Kunstmatige intelligentie: omarmen of wantrouwen?
Jan Broersen is recent geïnterviewd met betrekking tot kunstmatige intelligentie. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een interessant artikel over de vraag of we hier naar moeten uitzien of voor moeten vrezen. Het volledige artikel vind je hier: Kunstmatige intelligentie: omarmen of wantrouwen?
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Filosofisch Café + Radio-interview Jan Broersen
Dinsdag 10 oktober zal Jan Broersen te gast zijn in Café Hofman ten behoeve van het Filosofisch Café: Mobiel Moraal. Zelfrijdende auto’s zijn nog niet te koop, maar de eerste dode is al gevallen. Het confronteert ons met ethische dilemma’s. Mag jouw auto een voetganger aanrijden om jou te redden? Is moraal wel te programmeren?…
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Apply for the Postdoc position
Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence on Designing Responsible Agency (1.0 FTE) We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position in the Responsible Intelligent Systems website (REINS) project. With the project well underway, our aim is now to focus more on concrete architectures and systems for responsible decision making and responsibility checking (which are different, but closely…
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Laura Cromzigt has won twice at the Student Research Conference
We are pleased to announce that former project member Laura Cromzigt has won two prizes at the Student Research Conference. She won the audience prize for the best presentation and the main prize for the best paper in the category Language, Culture and Law. As said in an earlier article about the selection of the…
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Interview in De Ingenieur
In het novembernummer van De Ingenieur staat een artikel over de risico’s van nieuwe technologieën. Jan Broersen is geïnterviewd over de rol van Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Kijk op de website voor een preview van het artikel.
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Former project member selected for Student Research Conference
The paper of Laura Cromzigt has been selected for the Student Research Conference! Laura has been the assistant of the REINS-project in 2014 and 2015. This paper is a shortened version of her thesis which has been supervised by Jan Broersen, the project leader of the REINS-project. The annual Student Research Conference (SRC) in the…
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Interview met RTL-Z
Jan Broersen is door RTL-Z geïnterviewd over de verantwoordelijkheid van intelligente systemen en kunstmatige intelligentie. Klik hier voor het volledige interview (in het Nederlands).
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