Neural network hardware is coming
I do not understand why AI watchers and pundits do not pay more attention to Elon Musk’s endeavour to build a special purpose neural network computer ...

The fantasies around “basic AI drives”
Through this well written, but I think misguided article in Vox about why we have to take the dangers of AI seriously, I came across the paper of Stephen ...

Closing conference REINS project
Responsible Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Practices and Formal Models 11-13 February 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands In this symposium we look back at some ...
Wat are the origins of bias in AI systems?
In this video on the ethics of AI, professor Shannon Vallor says “Machines are not racist, machines are not sexist, machines are not ableist or ...

Can we build artificial moral agents using machine learning?
It has been suggested by several people that we can use machine learning to build artificial moral agents. In my opinion that is a mistake. This article ...
Fighting fake news using AI is very hard
Fighting fake news using AI techniques is way harder than many people (including Mark Zuckerberg) think. This article reports on some approaches and admits ...
Workshop on Collective Responsibility, Joint Action, and Participation
The workshop on Collective Responsibility, Joint Action, and Participation will take place in Utrecht on May 17th, 2018. The workshop is associated with ...

Interview Jan Broersen, Kunstmatige intelligentie: omarmen of wantrouwen?
Jan Broersen is recent geïnterviewd met betrekking tot kunstmatige intelligentie. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een interessant artikel over de vraag of we ...

AlphaGo knows how to play Go extremely well now, or does it?
The guardian reports how a new version of Alpha-Go is now definitely the best Go player in the world, and it learned how to be that in just three days by ...

Filosofisch Café + Radio-interview Jan Broersen
Dinsdag 10 oktober zal Jan Broersen te gast zijn in Café Hofman ten behoeve van het Filosofisch Café: Mobiel Moraal. Zelfrijdende auto’s zijn nog niet te ...